The multiplier event of the Digitools Project was held in Ireland

An event to disseminate the Digitools project with stakeholders, promote the project results and answer any questions was organized by INQS on 16th November 2023.
The aim and objective of the Digitools project was shared as well as the website and all Intellectual Outputs were introduced: the Online Learning Platform and example digitasks,
Evaluation and Assessment Compass, Teachers as Mentors Guidebook and White Paper.

The project aim and results were introduced and described to participants, questions were answered and further training in how to fully utilise the project results was offered, if needed.
The event was successful. There was a lot of interest in the intellectual outputs the Digitools partnership have produced. Attendees were school managers, teachers, education and university professionals. They found the project interesting and each had a story to tell of their experience as an educator during the pandemic! Attendees are keen to keep in touch and use the project results, particularly the online learning platform. It was said that this would be a useful resource to try in the classroom. The fact teachers can monitor their pupils’ progress through the platform was discussed and was well-received. Attendees also liked that they themselves can create digitasks to add to the bank. That was evaluated as a plus. INQS will provide training in how teachers can make the most effective use of the platform and tasks. The Evaluation and Assessment Compass was also well-received, as although teachers aren’t currently teaching online, they have enjoyed the move to a more digital classroom environment and said this tool will make it easier to source great activities and programmes. Additionally, attendees were interested to hear about the Teachers as Mentors resource and the White Paper with recommendations for capacity building in digital education.


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