Digitools Project First Online Project Management Meeting was Held

Digitools – Digitalization of Training Contents for Middle Schools Project (2020-1-TR01-KA226-SCH-098485) has been supported by the European Commision through the Turkish National Agency within the Strategic Partnerships In Response Of The Covid-19 Situation in the School Education field of Erasmus+ Programme.
Coordinated by the Governorship of Istanbul, Digitools project has been carried out by eight partners from five different countries: Boğaziçi University(Turkey), İstanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education(Turkey), INFODEF(Spain), Sdruzhenie Tcentar Za Obrazovatelni(Bulgaria), Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Iasi (Romania), ATS (Romania) ve Innoquality Systems Limited (Ireland) between 01/06/2021 and 31/05/2023.
The main goal of the Digitools Project is to contribute to the development of digital competencies of all stakeholders of education, especially teachers – students, parents, administrators – in the digitalization process of education, which has gained more importance with the Covid-19 Pandemic. My Digital Classroom, Assesment and Evaluation Compass, Teachers as Mentors Guidebook, and White Paper: Recommendations for Capacity Building in Digital Education are among the main project outputs which are planned to be realized for this purpose.
The first online international project management meeting of the Digitools was held on the 30th of July 2021 with the participation of all partners. In the meeting the activities and outputs of the project were briefly introduced. The project kick-off meeting preparations and plans for the examination of the existing curricula were evaluated.
Project kickoff meeting is planned to be held in İstanbul in November.
#digiTools #digitalClass