Digitools Project
Продължителност на проекта
Номер на проекта
Влизане в платформата Digitools
Digitools Project Welcome
Проект Digitools има за цел да допринесе за развитието на дигиталните компетенции на всички заинтересовани страни в образованието – учители, ученици, родители и училищни ръководители – в процеса на дигитализация в образованието, който придоби по-голямо значение с пандемията Covid-19. Основните цели на проекта са:
- да предостави готови дигитални учебни материали, инструменти за цифрово оценяване за средните класове (STEM, математика и английски);
- да подобри уменията за дигитално менторство на учителите;
- да предостави възможност за електронно обучение и платформа за СТЕМ, математика и английски език;
- да предложи насоки и препоръки за обучаващи организации, институции и лица, вземащи решения за това как да насърчават дигитализацията в своите организации;
- да предложи пътна карта за родителите как да се включат в процеса на учене съвместно с децата си.
The Multiplier Event organized by Iași County School (Romania)
On Thursday, June 8, 2023, Iași County School Inspectorate organized the Regional...
Three multiplier events were organised in Bulgaria
Three multiplier events were organised in Bulgaria in October and November 2023...
The multiplier event of the Digitools Project was held in İstanbul
The multiplier event of the Digitools Project was held in İstanbul on...
The multiplier event of the Digitools Project was held in Ireland
An event to disseminate the Digitools project with stakeholders, promote the project...
The multiplier event of the Digitools Project was held in Spain
INFODEF and LBP organized a final Multiplier Conference in Valladolid on 8th...
Digitools Project Focus Group Meeting was Held
Within the scope of Digitools Project, focus group discussions with parents, experts,...
Digitools Project Pilot Implementation was Completed
Digitools Project pilot implementation process was completed with the participation of Science,...
Digitools Project Transnational Management Meeting was held
Digitools Project transnational project management meeting was held on February 28 –...
Digitools Project Learning – Teaching Activity was Held in İstanbul
The teaching-learning activity of Digitools Project was hosted by Boğaziçi University in...
Digitools Project Transnational Management Meeting was Held
Digitools Project transnational project management meeting was held on October 20 –...
Governorship of İstanbul (GOI)
İstanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education
Boğaziçi University
Center For Educational Initiative Association
Innoquality Systems
Advanced Technology Systems Srl
The School Inspectorate of Iasi county