The multiplier event of the Digitools Project was held in Spain

INFODEF and LBP organized a final Multiplier Conference in Valladolid on 8th November 2023, at the AEICE Cluster facilities, C/ C. Valle de Aran, 5 in Valladolid. 39 people from educational
institutions, teachers, psychologists, and other professionals in the field of SCHOOL EDUCATION attended and participated in the conference. The aim of the event was to present the Digitools
project and, in particular, the final products and results. At the end of the event, an open discussion was held to gather the opinions and reactions of the participants and to reflect.
After the presentation, where the materials developed for this project were shown, an individual piloting session followed, where attendees could test and examine the materials
After examining, using, and testing the different products made for the project, a round table discussion was proposed where participants could express the pros and cons of the materials
they had accessed.